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Early male puberty

My son began puberty early and I am concerned he will have some stunted growth, are there nutritional or supplemental protocols to avoid this and maximize or extend his remaining growth?


Hello, this is not a question as it is more of a suggestion for an episode: "exploring the neuroscience of courage and bravery." I think it would be significant to help the audience understand what happens in CNS, what areas are involved, what neuromodulators are involved and how they change the estate of mind, and how we can use behavior and cognition to shape our perspective and cultivate a higher sense of courage to design a thriving life. Cheers! B


I am a 71-year-old man with a metal hip who is recreating myself physically and mentally by listening to your Podcasts starting August 2021.. The first podcast I chose was on immunity since it was during Covid. You mentioned a breathing technique (Wim Hof) that you used to help stay healthy among other benefits. I immediately started doing the breathing and cold showers and over almost 2 years I had Covid with one and a half days of mild symptoms and a sinus infection that my doctor saw remnants of it during my physical. Prior to getting my physical I used Inside Tracker and sent the results to my doctor. My blood sugar was a little high and that has now been reversed with diet and exercise. I fast until 11am, get sunlight in my eyes in the morning and drink salt water in the am that I now filter because of his podcast on water podcast. I do use Jocko’s Greens not AG1 because his are US made and full disclosure on ingredients unlike AG1. I am starting my supplements and weight program with Jeff Cavaliere and will let you know how it goes. I could go on but will just say that my life has been transformed in ways I thought could never be attained again. Thank you for doing what you are doing.

What's the deal with breastfeeding lowering dopamine?

What's the deal with breastfeeding lowering dopamine levels? (I am a nursing mom with ADHD.) New American Association of Pediatrics guidelines (out July 2022) recommend 2 years of breastfeeding, up from 1 year. If I have three kids (my goal), this means I'm supposed to spend 6 years nursing in the middle of a pretty important time in my professional life (my 30s). I recently read that every time a person breastfeeds, they experience a drop in dopamine. I can't find any layperson-accessible info about this that isn't about D-MER (which I don't have). Is it temporary? Is anything I do to support my dopamine pathways destined to negatively impact my milk supply, and vice versa? There are so many ways that being a parent (especially the birthing/breastfeeding parent) and investing in your career conflict, and I feel really discouraged that this is just another reason it's impossible to do both. 

Baseline Dopamine

I have watched all episodes on dopamine and read Dopamine nation. You mentioned protocols for increasing baseline dopamine those include 1) cold water immersion ( two types really cold for short period, less cold for longer) 2) meditation 3) exercise Can you please provide a list of others protocols that will increase baseline. I have been careful to avoid stacking. But I want to have specifically more tools to “get me out of the trough” One of my additional questions is if I have been doing certain protocols for some time (eg. cold immersion and exercise ) will they will still help build up my baseline? And if I have gotten accustomed to them then does that mean they will not be as good a “go to”to get out of the “trough. You mentioned that the “steepness”of getting out of the trough can you get back to baseline faster especially for people (like me) that can have problems with procrastination and doing things dont want to do If you can please provide additional protocols that you know work or how to adjust protocols that we do use but that maybe we are getting too accustomed to so they are not as “painful “as they used to be (ie getting accustomed to the cold water) in order to help get out of the trough Thank you