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Dr. Huberman--thank you for all you do! Could you clarify the science around emulsifiers in food? What are the different emulsifiers, what is their purpose, and what is the science around their impact on humans (e.g., microbiome). Does the science differentiate impact based on age, gender, years of exposure, etc. How solid is the science around emulsifier safety in food? Thank you for any science based clarity you can bring to this confusing area. CHRIS

living with prosopagnosia (face blindness)

Dear Dr. Huberman, I have been struggling with prosopagnosia (face blindness) my entire life. I honestly didn't know other people weren't like this. This condition has led me to rely heavily on situational and other non-facial cues to identify people, which can sometimes lead to awkward social situations and challenges in everyday life. Given your extensive knowledge in neuroscience and understanding of the brain, are there any treatments, exercises, or strategies available that could help me improve my face recognition skills? Additionally, I'd appreciate your insights on the underlying neuroscience of prosopagnosia and any ongoing research that may offer hope for people like me. Thank you in advance for your time and your invaluable insights on this matter. Best regards,

organizing supplements for travel

When you travel, especially across time zones and for longer than a week or so, how do you store supplements so that you can keep track of what they are and when to take them? Bonus if you have an organizational scheme that isn't a boxy plastic medication organizer *and* that's a step up from a pile of bio-ziplock baggies. Thanks for sharing your strategies!

Relation between uninteresting topics and getting tired

How is it that I'm getting tired quickly, when I'm trying to focus on a topic that seems rather uninteresting to me. Is there a connection to the dopamine baseline and the lost ability to embrace boredom? I'm really struggeling to stay awake when I have to read something that seems uninteresting to me. How could one gather the focus to overcome this?

Female ageing and supplements/weights/exercise

What (if any)variations should be considered for women heading to their 70's and beyond(who are fit) in areas such has short rep heavy lifting, supplementation variations (if any) with regard to muscle growth and considerations on diet/protein intake etc. In the context of Dr Peter Attia's or Dr Andy Galpins recommendations? I have watched all, implemented some and am interested in the short rep weight training guidance especially with regard to how much to add over a period of time (not finite numbers, percentages will do)