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Vagus nerve and anxiety; truth or bull——

I would be interested in any comment you have regarding scientific evidence for or against claims that stimulation of vagus nerve using a device (such as or with exercises (such as can help with anxiety.

Finding scientific research

Can you comment on how one can find scientific research on a specific topic, including whether there are free or moderate cost ways for a person not affiliated with an academic institution to get access to scientific journals?

Greg Gaffin

Can you get him on the podcast and talk about the neuroscience behind belief systems, traditions and cultural identity?

Supplement Use (AG1/LMNT)

In different videos, you claim to drink AG1 first thing in the mornjng. In other videos, you claim to drimk LMNT. Do you actually drink both? Which do you prefer?

Sonic Waves

I feel as though there is a shortage of research in this area and wish to know why. Music is not a drug but it has a profound effect on us, traveling through our entire bodies and activating certain receptors. Can you speak to the effect it has or find someone who can. Please. I would really appreciate it. It is my life.