I had a bicycle accident at age 21 and spent 6 weeks in U of Maryland Hospital's Shock Trauma Unit and then 2 months in a rehab facility. The head trauma was a subdural hematoma, which resulted in expressive aphasia and lost memory, among other effects. Miraculously, I fully recovered - or at least I thought so. Now, 40 years later, are there any potential issues that I should be aware of? Any research programs that I could take part in to advance knowledge in this area? Thank you.
Utilizing a full spectrum IR Sauna, after resistance training, approximately 3-4 times a week. Duration is 30 min sessions between 140-150 degrees. My question is regarding an issue with my duration and REM sleep after a sauna session. I wake at 0400 versus 0600 in the morning and have zero or very minimal REM every time. Any suggestions as to rectifying the issue. Thank you
While watching National Geographic titled Herd brain games, a nine-year-old about the brain program is any possible way you can talk about the interior Cingular cortex the National Geographic program referenced regarding herd mentality. Also, how does that apply to understanding the developing brain kindergarten through third grade early childhood education. Hopefully you can access this YOUTUBE program link below title National Geographic HERD brain games. https://youtu.be/0IJCXXTMrv8?si=-K0TFet0suBz-J2i it would be wonderful. You can discuss this information in your next or future podcast.
Could you expand on your episode on Psilocybin by addressing any long term effects on use as an adolescent (younger than age 25). In the Psilocybin episode, your disclaimer is that everything you’re focusing on involves subjects over 25. In your episode on cannabis, you go into a little more detail about the potential negative long term effects of marijuana use in adolescence. In particular, what do brain imaging studies show on the long term effects of psilocybin use as an adolescent? And, perhaps you can expand on the effects of adolescent marijuana use. My 16 year old is considering using both of these drugs and I’d like him to see scientific evidence. Thank you.