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Ingesting suppliments

I am currently taking 10 different supplements...all at the same time. Should I be trying to group them, as some work together, and take them at different times? Where can I get some information on this?

The Human Neck

Don't know if there would be enough material for an entire episode, but hearing you talk about neck exercises on other podcasts and how its attached to the spine etc, it would be interesting to learn about whatever else might be good to know. For example, my neck gets really sore during certain workouts, what would be the best way to alleviate that? How much do neck movements contribute to hydration (reading about this in a book called Quench)? For a body part that supports the human skull, it feels like this is an underexposed topic. Would love to hear you talk about it. Thank you for making learning fun!

The relationship between hormones and sleep

I have been suffering from problems with sleep for many years, but for a period I took an ovulation stimulant medication and my sleep improved completely, but if I stopped taking it, my sleep would get worse again. What is the connection, and is it possible to know the reason for my sleep problems from this relationship?

Frequency of Salt Intake

Regarding episode #63 on salt, does the level/frequency of salt intake matter? Is it OK for the average person to ingest a certain amount of salt and not consume anything else for a long period of time (assuming they’re hydrating throughout)? Or should they ingest small amounts of salt frequently throughout?

Performing Multitasking Effectively

Does splitting your attention (multitasking) provide less value overall than focusing energy over a shorter period of time (like much of the research suggests)? More simply put: is there a way to do multitasking right?