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with Huberman Lab Premium

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hyperpigmentation - spots

Why do pigmentation spots appear even when using high SPF sunscreen and taking precautions such as wearing a hat? Can melanin still be activated by the sun even in shaded areas? Additionally, why do certain parts of the face, like the upper lip and cheeks, tend to develop more pigmentation while others, like the nose, just tan normally? What could be the cause of the appearance of white, depigmented spots on the cheeks?

Creatine and uric acid

Hi , I don’t see anywhere mentioned the link between creatine and high uric acid . And the fact that creatine overwhelms the body with purines. Which causes gout. I see that creatine is presented everywhere as a very safe supplement

Non-invasive brain stimulation

Dr. Huberman, what are your thoughts on the future of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques like TMS for enhancing cognitive performance and treating mental health conditions? What do you see as the key scientific challenges and opportunities in this field?

Doing an NSDR session

I'm curious about the best practices for doing a NSDR session: - Is it necessary to listen to a guided track, or can it be just as effective to perform the session silently, guiding myself? - Is it possible to perform NSDR by moving through both sides of the body simultaneously, or is it better to focus on one side at a time? - Is there a minimum recommended duration for each NSDR session?

Are “Natural Flavors” healthy or not?

What are your thoughts on “Natural Flavors” in drinks like LaCroix and Waterloo? Are they healthy? Is it better to drink water without these natural flavors? Supposedly one of these flavors comes from castoreum, a secretion from a beaver’s anal gland that tastes like raspberry and vanilla. How can beaver butt juice be healthy?