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cytochrome p-450 2D6 and non alcohol cirrhosis

The women in my family have a history of dying from non-alcohol cirrhosis. My sister and I are 2D6 ultra rapid metabolizers. How do 2D6 substrates, inducers, and inhibitors contribute to liver damage? Most psych drugs and pain meds that are metabolized in 2D6 don't work for us, have unexpected side effects, and leave toxins behind. Is it possible to repair the damage?

The brain and noise

Would you discuss the differences between and possible benefits of listening to generated noise (pink, brown, green, etc) as well as Solfeggio frequencies.

PSSD (Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction)

Would you do a podcast on PSSD? 1 in 5 people suffer sexual side effects even after SSRI’s have been discontinued. Some side effects persisting for decades. We need to know what’s going on in the brain, and also warn people about this condition before prescribing them SSRI’s like candy.

Grip training

Any benefit in including grip specific exercises in your latest fitness protocol ?

Drummers for soleus study?

Drummers using heal up method for playing bass drum and high hats must be very fit! Maybe there is a way to expand the research via my Drumeo community - thousands of drummers doing soleus pushups! I don't know if you communicate directly with the researchers involved in that study but if you do, drummers who play drum set could be the ideal population to study to collect even more data.