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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Inviting a guest

Is it possible to invite Nim Tottenham to a podcast episode? Her work is very interesting, and relational.


Hi Doc, I was hoping you could answer a few questions about iron. How do you feel about theories espoused by Mangan and others that iron is the cause of some of the deteriorating aspects of aging? How much iron should a healthy 60 year old male have in his bloodstream? Is there a particular blood test you recommend for determining iron levels? How do you feel about using cast iron cookware on a regular basis? And while we’re at it, what kind of cookware do you recommend? Thanks much

Fitness protocol for women and swing shift jobs

Hey doc, What fitness protocol changes would you recommend geared towards women, if any? And also I work a swing shift (12-12)sometimes 16hrs a day ,3-4 days a week as a nurse. Would you recommend fitting in a working out on these work days?

Dr. Huberman's supplement list

What is Dr. Huberman's complete supplement list including a nootropic recommendation?


Extremely curious about your thoughts on Rhodiola, Ashwaganda and 5_HTP as I have been dealing with anxiety all my life and have taken SSRIs before but never want to again. I meditate, get low angle sunlight and do the forward ambulation walk and all the other beneficial suggestions you have made but I still feel the need of something to take the edge off, regulate the brain chemistry. I don't drink or use any narcotics. I exercise. So apart from smoking (I know, I know don't judge please!) I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle. So the question is; Are there any reliable research on any of these supplements/adaptogens? If so, could you please do an episode on these? Maybe with Rhonda or someone who is super informed on these supplements...or a solo one? many thanks, you're special.