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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Wearables and fitness data

Do you use any fitness wearables and can the data they collect be used to inform actionable steps towards health and fitness goals?

Steroids or similar (SARMS/turkesterone) for women doing weight trainingor women

Information and studies on women using sarms, turkesterone or steroids to gain muscle. Amounts, side effects and possible results.

Competing goals

I followed with interest your episodes interviewing Andy Galpin and David Sinclair. I'm a relatively healthy 53 year old male who is an avid weight lifter. My fitness goals of muscle hypertrophy require a significant protein intake. After listening to your interview with Dr Sinclair and his discussion of the beneficial aspects of intermittent fasting (up to 16 hours), I wonder if these goals of muscle hypertrophy and longevity are necessarily at odds?

Effects of Trauma on a Child/Young Adult Brain

When a ‘shock’ occurs (e.g., I’m safe at school/home/shopping, and then shooting starts): What is happening in the child’s brain (the frontal lobe isn’t fully developed/few past experiences to pull upon)? Does the Amygdala have a greater role in children vs adults as a result of fear/shock? Is there a ‘permanent’ change/damage in the CNS? Are those children more likely to develop ASD or PTSD if future ‘shocks’ occur (such as in a fire where many firefighters are exposed to the same event, but a few have an extreme reaction, possibly due to early-age trauma)? If ‘treated’ early enough, will neuroplastic functions overwrite the damage? Thank you for your interest in helping us better understand.

Supplementation for MTHFR and MTRR

For those with MTHFR, MTRR, AHCY and COMT mutations what is the best protocol to overcome these symptoms?