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Red light question

My question is re your red light suggestions. I am unclear if you are suggesting to look into red and near infra red light with eyes open? We had successfully used red light only for macula degeneration, but I am unclear if it’s safe to look into NIR rays . So far I avoid it because I couldn’t hear a clear statement from you anywhere that it was safe.

Hypomania without bipolar?

Thank you for all you do! If you’re ever feeling down and need a pep talk, I could give you a list of the things I’ve changed in my life thanks to you (good things, of course)! I’m a broadly healthy 30 year old male. I wear an oura ring, sleep on an 8Sleep, hike daily, and lift 3 sessions a week with a trainer. I’ve struggled with anxiety disorder for all of my life—diagnosis came in my 20s. After a recent wave of much less sleep (thanks, brain), high energy, inability to focus or complete anything, my psychiatrist believes I’m experiencing hypomania. I don’t generally feel depression, and after listening to your episode on bipolar I really don’t think I check those boxes. One thing I’ve noticed in my Oura data since the hypomania began, my resting heart rate is up from an average low of 49-53 to the low 60 range, and my HRV has been cut in half. Which is coming first? The chicken or the egg, or are they unrelated and coincidental. Bottom line, I’m looking for your thoughts and insights on hypomania. :) thank you! Almost no booze, but I do consume THC edibles from time to time. That episode was great, btw.

Huberman Lab: Dr. Eddie Chang: The Science of Learning & Speaking Languages 

1) In the interview with Dr. Chang, he indicated that “white noise”(keeping the brain’s window of plasticity open) in infants has the potential for being a negative—what is the effect of “white noise” (or other structured sounds) in adults and/or seniors in terms of keeping (or re-opening) their brain’s plasticity relative to cognitive function? And/or effect on sleep patterns? 2) As a geezer (79 years old) with moderate essentially tremor (diagnosed by my neurologist) what is the efficacy of MR guided focused ultrasound targeting appropriate parts of the brain vs a pharmacology approach which I resist?

Can I brainwash myself with self confidence?

do you think there is a way to brainwash yourself enough that you heal this past traumas and deep beliefs that keep holding you back and preventing you from becoming the version of yourself you really want to be ? The episode on mindset was very insightful on this. Is there a way these protocols can tackle deep rooted self beliefs formed in infancy?

How to handle extra stress/adrenaline

I'm a professional poker player. I often find I am forced to go days or even weeks where my body is extra jacked up on adrenaline and the stresses of competing for very high stakes. I'm afraid about the effects of this on my long term health. What changes would you recommend I make to my life to account for this stress? Thanks!