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Schizoaffective disorder

My son, age 23, has been diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder and, symptoms came out after a period of massive use of cannabis (about 3months). Can cannabis be the sole cause of the symptoms? What process is used to diagnose such disorder?

Trying to help a neighbor

Hello, I’d like to know what kind of treatment is available for an 11 year old child who was molested by his father and step mother, who was then homeless with his mother and sold for sex trafficking, then molested again. He’s been named the monster child at his orphanage because he would follow other kids to the bathroom and try to touch their genitals. He was adopted by my neighbors 3 years ago and his mother explained how she is scared of him ever since he said he was going to kill her at night and explained to her exactly how he would do it. He’s been paralyzed by drugs they prescribed him, he’s had a stroke, he bit his teacher and made her bleed, he’s being isolated at school and is not allowed to be around other children. He has created different voices as well ( possibly a personality disorder ). My question here is, how can we help a child who has gone through so much trauma already? He hasn’t reached puberty yet, so I’d assume that once he does his symptoms get worse ? I’m concerned for this family. The mother doesn’t sleep because she’s scared he’s going to kill someone at night.

ADHD and speed reading

Is it true that it might be easier for people with ADHD to learn how to spead read and use that technique, instead of reading word-by-word slowly? I read somewhere that when we read word-by-word we are using our left brain, and it might be easier for people with ADHD to learn how to spead read (once they know how to read), because then they are using the right part of their brain.


Have you read much about glutathione? What are your thoughts? My husband and I currently do GSH injections.

How to make hard work feel easy?

What would be the thought process and interoceptive awareness/change that needs to happen for hard work to feel easier.