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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Palo Alto community

Hello there, Thank you very much for launching the premium. I just recently moved to Palo Alto and would love to know if you can recommend any local practitioners, healers, communities that apply similar philosophy like your podcast covers. I love theory but only by practicing we can change our lives. Warmly, Bozhena


How can you best support children and adolescents who are on the autism spectrum?

Red Light therapy to improve vision acuity

Thank you for your excellent podcast! I believe that you look at red light (660 nm & 850 nm) at about 2 feet for 1-2 minutes a week during 1st 3 hours in the morning. Can you mention the brand that you use or any brands you wouldn't mind your close friends using. I'm really hesitant to buy a red light panel without knowing that the brand is good quality.

Fasting sleep deprivation

Can you address in a future podcast why fasting (or in ketosis) can cause sleep issues (waking up) and any supplementation that may help. Ps Your podcast on sleep supplements including adding L-Theanine has helped my sleep quality immensely (non fasted state). THANK YOU! Sadly hasnt fixed my sleep quality during fasts. Your podcast is incredible. Keep up the amazing work!!!!!

Morning Routine for worker 8am to 5pm

Whats the best Morning Tools to do, I wake up at 6-6.30 and go to work at 8 am. I workout after office at 5.30pm. Go to sleep at 11pm. I think this is the major corporate workers. Thx you.