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Yoga and kundalini

Oftentimes Yogis make reference to certain scientific reports that validate yogic practices. I am personally a beginner practitioner of Kriya Yoga. And i was wondering if there is scientific merit behind the practices. Some of the things i have heard is: specific practices can increase BDNF dramatically. It can also alleviate ADHD and cure addictions .

Temperature Minimum and delaying sleeping time? podcast #84 1:31:14 timestamp

This piece of information is not quite well understood yet. You have mentioned that if x's temperature minimum is 5:00 Am and he/she wakes up 2 hours before (3 AM for example) and see bright light, exercise etc... he/she will delay its sleeping time hence deltayin his/her waking up time. isn't the opposite? if he/she wakes up at 5.00 AM and see bright light, isn't he/she supposed to sleep early the following night?

Dynamic Stretching Frequency

If you work at a desk, is it better to do shorter bouts of dynamic stretching more frequently throughout the day rather than doing it longer but multiple times per week. (I've listened to your Podcast episode on Stretching Protocols, and this question popped into my head).


I see that Momenutus has released an NMN supplement. I was always under the impression that NR was the more bioavailable and studied chemical to increase NAD+. Is there a reason that Momentus chose NMN over NR?

Future podcast

Wonderful day While reading an article in scientific America is any possible way in a future podcast can discuss mental health in pregnancy and rewiring change in The pregnant brain. The article in Scientific America is titled pregnancy causes lasting changes in the woman's brain The article was written in not sure December 2016. Could you give us an update or new information on pregnancy and the brain