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Toolkit For Fitness.

Hi. I am a recent subscriber. Would you please tell n my r where Ai can find Toolkit For Fitness on your website. Appreciate it. Catherine Morgan

Sleep deprivation "cures" my ADHD?

Dr. Huberman, You mentioned that sleep deprivation can temporarily alleviate depression and is under research as a treatment. I have ADHD and have noticed, consistently and under a variety of conditions, that a night of skipping sleep makes my ADHD virtually go away, typically starting around the same time (~3am). The effects are as strong as a ton of coffee or a pill of Aderall, but effects dissipate after I go to sleep the following night. I do feel the tiredness and other typical symptoms of sleep deprivation, but the temporary boost to my productivity outweighs them all. Could this be due to the default mode network being down-regulated due to the sleep deprivation? Does this point at other underlying conditions? (e.g. depression/anxiety rather than adhd)? Curious if other people have had this experience as well. Thanks!

Light in the morning

If I get up hours before the sun rises, should I get and use a lightbox?

Legs elevation during sleep - how important/good is it?

Hi There, In one of Dr Huberman's episodes, he mentions the importance of keeping our legs elevated during sleep. Can we learn more about it please and why is it important to do it?

Neuroscience of setting intentions

According to quantum physics, we know that intention might be the most powerful source in the universe. It would be exciting to hear your thoughts on the power of intention and perhaps, do the whole episode on it.