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Cell Phone and Social Media Protocol

Hi Dr. Huberman, I recently heard your 2021 interview with Tom Bilyeu and you shared a little bit of your cell phone habits, namely that you don't use your phone for the first hour in the morning and that you were avoiding your phone every other hour during the day. I am wondering if you could share more about your cell phone (and social media) protocols, because it does seem like the phone is the nexus of the "cheap dopamine" problem. I'm rethinking my relationship with my phone and social media and I'd love some advice.

Fasting and supplements

New member and follower. love it! been doing keto for years and dropped off. tried fasting and did 3 days right of the bat questions: do creamer (laid hamilton) brake the fast? what supplements can I take without breaking the fast? you suggested salt or lemon in water....

Can hypnosis change a persons behaviors?

Hi! Can Hypnosis or self hypnosis help change a persons behaviors or result in neruoplasticity?

The Reticular Activating system and its role on "beliefs"

I work in the recovery field. The treatment center I went through (and work at now) went over the reticular activating system in the "addiction education curriculum". In summary, it explains that you basically view the world through "belief colored glasses" and that is the work of the RAS. If you believe something, your brain is primed to bias the information you get towards your beliefs (adaptive or maladaptive). I have done my own thorough look of the literature on the RAS and I see nothing about belief systems in there. I want to make sure that this isn't false information before continuing to teach it to people in early recovery. I would think based off some of the "mindset" episodes, that it may be accurate but there was no mention of the RAS in those episodes. Been looking for an answer on this, thank you!

Tools for brain states and the visual system

Can you please review or publish more work on how we can leverage the visual system to influence the state of our brain and body? I’ve implemented the visual practices that you’ve mentioned (space time bridging, focusing on a spot before a work bout, and toggling my vision between near and far objects for a minute or two) and I find that they enhance my ability to focus and task switch. Is this just the tip of the iceberg?