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Music and Multitasking

When does listening to music improve performance? When does it inhibit performance? I often listen to music while I do things, especially simple tasks; however, at times I will listen to music while I write creatively, something I consider to be rather complex. I know others who listen to music while they do other complex activities, such as math or coding or painting masterpieces. It is evident that in this day and age music is more accessible and convenient than ever before, especially with wireless earbuds. There is clear research suggesting that multitasking inhibits quality and efficiency of one or both of the immediate tasks. Does listening to music while doing the dishes count as multitasking? Is dancing a multitask? Is there research on the effect of the newfound convenience of music on our collective neurology? or on individual neurologies?

Caffeine before sports/cold showers

In your episode on dopamine, you explained that caffeine increases the availability and density of dopamine receptors. So would it be additionally beneficial to drink a cup of coffee or Yerba mate tea before activities where you first go through the “pain” before getting “pleasure” in the form of dopamine (e.g., cold showers, exercise)?

Can Vitamin D lower libido?

Every time I take Vit D supplements, my libido decreases. . What would be the cause? After I stop it few days later I start getting a libido boost and the situation is back to normal.

When do we see your tattoos? :)

That would be a great premium content :D


Some of the guests (sports centric/performance centric) have mentioned visualization, It's also part of the induction in most hypnosis scripts. How can one develop or improve the skill of visualization?