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The Birth Control Pill and Its Broader Affect on Society

Hi Dr. Huberman, What are the effects of the birth control pill on the hormones within the female body, and how does the suppression of fertility influence the goals, lifestyle, and mating choices? Could the pill be indirectly influencing females to prefer more feminine men thus producing a less masculine society?

Cold air (think Alaska) exposure vs cold water exposure

Has there been any studies on benefits of say 2-3 minutes of cold air exposure with minimal clothing that has relative benefits to the cold water protocols you've discussed? I live in Alaska and love being out in the cold air. It's refreshing and invigorating. I'm struggling with cold water and always have, though need to continue to work on. But for some reason, standing outside on a winter night in Alaska seems much more plausible than cold water..... and the fact I don't have access to a cold plunge, just cold shower. Thanks in advance! Happy to do some testing if you'd like!

Knot in stomach

I often awake with a knot in my stomach the morning of a performance or work-related presentation. Any idea what causes this phenomenon and/or how I can prevent it?

Tal Chi-Interoceptive and/or Exteroceptive

On today's podcast, you mentioned that walking meditation is exteroceptive. Would you put Tai chi in the same category? It tries to harmonize movement with meditation, thus make me wondering if it could be elements of both. Thank you and any feedback is appreciated.

prefrontal inhibition and shooting

In the latest podcast on meditation at 1:14 you mentioned a study where the prefrontal cortex was inactivated (presumed via tDCS) and those doing shooting games were more accuracy but without distinction between enemy and friend. I am familiar with tDCS use for improved learning but this sounds a lot different. Can you provide me an URL for this study? I am involved in firearms training with both civilian and police using both plain paper and realistic subjects and neurologically training responses to shoot/no-shoot stimulation. This paper might provide some additional insight into training methods. Alan Kerby