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The science of barefoot running

Barefoot running, including in barefoot/minimalist shoes, remains popular and purportedly has various health benefits. Is there any science to support throwing out our old shoes and switching to wider shoes? I'd be very interested in an episode on the science of barefoot running or foot anatomy and foot health more generally.

How to heal from a whiplash accident

Would love to see an episode on how treat a whiplash accident succesfully, it's very hard to find proper and adequate treatment. Could be part of an episode on TBI too!

Rucking impacts on the back

I've been reading about the benefits of rucking for strength and cardio. Are there negative impacts on the back? Especially for people with previous back injuries? Is rucking superior to a weighted vest?

Cold showers when sick

Since cold showers have a positive effect on the immune system, are they good idea for someone with a cold, the flu, mild Covid, etc.?

How does sunscreen work?

What are the fundamentals in how sunscreen works to block UVA & UVB rays? How is SPF determined? Why do some individuals seem to respond differently to sunscreen (e.g., I can wear SPF50 & be fine for a couple hours, but my my husband needs to reapply more frequently)? What ingredients in sunscreen should we be on the lookout for & which should be avoided? What are the effects of the ingredients of sunscreen in our system?