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Exercises based on body fat

Can you expand more on the types of exercises for different types of body fat structure? (Visceral Fat, Subcutaneous Fat, White Fat)

Sitting in Front of PC all night and work from 6pm

Hello Prof. Huberman, I work from 6pm to 6am frequently and would like to know what is a good morning routine. Also I sit in Front a a PC (as emergency medical dispatcher), is there anything i can do to protect my eyes if I can’t look in the distance (any programming or routine) thanks and keep up the good work

When to Workout When to Rest?

What's a good rule of thumb for when to rest and when it's ok to push through and workout? I'm sure everyone is experiencing it, but particularly people with little kids are seeing the full force of the respiratory viruses. It's a constant cycle of semi-sick and full on sick.

Dosage of Tyrosine selenium iodine for Hypthyroidism support

Which is a Recoomended brand for tyrosine selenium iodine Can I get this as a single Tablet or capsule and Dosage please

Protocols and Supplements to calm down nervous system after intense workout

What protocols and or supplements would you recommend for recovery and calming down of the nervous system after intense workouts. I’m practicing jiujitsu few times a week and evening classes go well beyond 9.30pm. An hour after intense sparring sessions I still feel excited and having hard time falling asleep. That affects sleep quality and and ability to properly recover by next morning. Looking for ways to expedite recovery and calming down after these type of workouts. Thanks in advance! PS. Thanks for your content, Dr. Huberman. Absolutely love it and it helps a ton!