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Pupil dilation

Do I understand this correctly? when the nervous system is in a stress response state (sympathetic state) it induces pupil dilation whereas in a calm, parasympathetic state the pupils constrict. Is it that pupil dilation improves peripheral vision and constriction create tunnel vision and therefore focus? If I have that understanding correct then I’m confused why we’d then use improving peripheral vision ‘exercises’ to help calm or de-stress and another confusion is why the awareness and focus we get from the tunnel vision of dilation is associated with the parasympathetic state rather than the alert sympathetic state. I’m sure it’s a simple explanation but my instinct is that good peripheral vision, ie. dilated pupils, would be for rest/calm state (to keep easy watch over large area) and constricted pupils would indicate, tunnel vision focus and stress state (to concentrate on the threat)

Hypetrophy, glycogen

How in general does hypetrophy work? How does glycogen affect it? Does working out fasted affect hypertrophy? If you eat 30min before workout (protein+carbs - eggs+oat flakes), will it help to improve your hypertrophy? What causes hypertrophy? If you have no glycogen stored in your muscles or it's depleted, does it mean a resistance training won't cause hypertrophy ?

Behavioral Impacts on Epilepsy?

My little brother has epilepsy. What does the existing research and literature suggest about combining dietary and exercise changes with prescription medicine to mitigate seizures (both in occurrences and severity)? Or if you have a podcast episode concerning this, would you point me to it?

How to combine a one meal a day eat eating style with high performance?

High performance in both aspects: physical and mental. I want to implement a one meal a day, but I have many questions as to what is the optimal way to live/plan your day: 1) When is the best time to exercise under this condition? 2) At what point during my day should I have my meal? Because I have to include so many calories on that one meal (target would be at leat 2000 calories), I find it very hard to make the meal have a low glycemic load. Thus, almost always spikes my blood sugar/insulin. That has led me to conclude that is probably better to have a dinner. What do you think? Thank you!

Diet? IF, Fasting Mimicking & protein?

Hey there! Diet research has me confused! I’ve experienced increased stamina as a runner following a 16/8 Intermittent fast. Are there other benefits to an IF diet? Also, I keep hearing I need over 100 grams of protein daily, but Dr Longo found lower protein levels favorable to autophagy in a fasting mimicking diet. Is there a way to optimize my diet to support distance running, recovery & autophagy? Thanks so much! ElizabethThomas