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Super Slow training

Do you know the "Super Slow" training by Dr. McGuff ( If you do, what do you think about it? Any pros and cons? Thank you :)

Fermented foods

I was really intrigued and learned a lot from your episode on alcohol. One thing I'm trying to square is the fact that generally fermented foods are exceptional for you, including yogurt, kefir, kimchi, Etc. However, alcohol is fermented and yet has all these deleterious effects on the body. Can you explain the difference?

Women 30 Day Cycles

I know you talk a lot about 24 hour day cycles, but how does this change or affect women that work on 30 day cycles based on their hormones? It would be great to have someone on to talk about how to adjust exercise, creativity, focus, etc. based on a female cycle.

Northern Winter Morning Sunlight Exposure

Do you have suggestions on what to do for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere where the sun doesnt rise until late late morning, many hours after I’m actually getting up. Do you suggest one of those bright SAD lamps?

Too many Physiological sighs

Can you perform the physiological sigh too much, sometimes after doing it I notice myself starting to yawn much more frequently, thank you