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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Improve deep sleep

So i know you already talked about how to improve your sleep, but i wondered about how deep sleep works and what we can do to improve deep sleep

Pros & Cons of Daily Caffeine Consumption

Hello Dr. Huberman. I am unable to determine if caffeine consumption is having a net positive impact on my life. I understand the benefits (increased dopamine receptor density, increased alertness, etc...) but after a few weeks of consumption, the negatives start to outweigh the positive ones (poor quality sleep, lack of appetite, anxiety, etc...). When I don't consume caffeine, I find it a lot easier to be mindful and my meditation practice is much better, but I am lethargic and less motivated. For years I have been "on and off" caffeine and I can't determine which is better. What is your opinion on the net benefit of daily caffeine consumption and how can someone determine if daily caffeine consumption is right for them?

Supplement paradox

Based on your sponsors, it sounds like you use two approaches to supplementation: a mixture of vitamins and probiotics (AG1) to ensure that you are covering the bases, and single-ingredient formulations for specific needs and goals (Momentous). How do you integrate these two protocols? For people with limited time and budget, which strategy is better? How does Inside Tracker data help you identify supplement priorities? Written while wearing my Roka sunglasses...

Tips for neuroscience student’s

What advice would you give to students who approach neuroscience at an academic level?

Bright light through a window

Why does viewing bright light in the morning through a windshield hamper results? I measured the Lux through my windshield using an app which showed upwards of 30k lux