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Active recovery

How do you feel about light cardio the day after leg day to promote blood flow?

Caffeine and Fasting

I am currently going through OMAD fasts every day and would occasionally (once every two weeks) do a 48-hr fast for longevity, metabolism, fat-loss, and autophagy effects. I have also been ingesting/drinking in rotation multiple types of caffeine such as yerba mate, guayusa, coffee, and green tea. Which of these caffeine types (or other caffeines) are most compatible with these prolonged fasts?


Is CoQ10 a worthwhile supplement?

Studying Protocols?

I understand that notion of having 2-3 ultradian cycles, however as a full time student; we would need to devote more time to learning. What is a suggested protocol/timetable to fit in more of these work-bouts?

P.O T.S Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

As P.O.T.S. is "caused" by a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, I noted that your discussions covering cold exposure and breathing techniques (in addition to other topics) spent some time digging into the mechanisms affecting aspects of the autonomic nervous system and how the system can be impacted by breathing, cold exposure, etc. Could you provide any insights and protocols that might help those suffering from P.O T.S?