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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Reducing resting heart rate

What type of exercise is most effective in reducing your resting heart rate? e.g. endurance, strength, etc.

Third-eye 'good headache'?

During your mediation podcast you mentioned focusing on the so-called 'third eye'. Sometimes when doing so I get a sensation of pressure in the area, as if blood is slowly rushing to the front of the forehead. I think James Nestor in his book 'Breathe' called this a 'good headache', as it feels unpleasant but not painful. Do you know what causes this sensation? Or am I imagining it?!

How one can improve deep sleep even if you follow advices from podcast almost perfectly (sunlight, caffeine timing, blue screens etc.)

I bought recently Fitbit with sleep tracking and while it might not be 100% accurate in terms of sleep, I do feel personally that there might be still some room for improving my sleep. According to my statistics, I have a lot of light sleep, have no issues with amount of REM sleep, but deep sleep seems to be lacking in favor of light sleep. So my question is, what seems to affect deep sleep the most? That'd be regarding supplements, relations with light etc. Of course, I get my morning and evening light daily. I cut caffeine relatively early, also didn't find difference in terms of sleep quality no caffeine during the day vs caffeine cut 8h before bed. Sauna during the day doesn't seem to affect my deep sleep levels as well. In terms of supplements I take daily before bed 100mg of L-theanine and 2g of magnesium byglicinate as well as sometimes 2g of Glycine. I also work out regularly and don't have issues troubles falling asleep. There might be a possibility, that my dust allergy might be affecting my deep sleep though, since I tend to wake up one or two times to use the medicine for nose. But still, if you had tips on how to improve your deep sleep it'd be helpful. Best regards and thank you for saving the Internet.

Chatroom or Forum

Could we have a chatroom or forum for premium members to engage and discuss/share each other's protocols?


What sunscreen ingredient should be avoided and why? Also please discuss application amount per unit area and reapplication rate as it pertains to achieving the stated SPF.