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Holistic approach to and Autoinflammatory Diseases/ Inflammatory Disorders

Inflammatory disorders include gout, psoriatic arthritis, myositis, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus vasculitis, etc. How one takes the best care of themselves? Are there any supplements, or routines that can particularly support a healthy lifestyle for people dealing with autoimmune diseases? (additional to what is being said in general about healthy lifestyle). I'd like to know what a science based holistic approach is - not only medicines but also lifestyle/dietary changes. I Am particularly interested in RA but any tips on dealing with chronic inflammation would help. Thank you!

How pets impact health?

Are pets making us healthier? Is it better to live with or without a pet? Does age matter in this case: is it better to have a pet when younger?

Birth control pill vs other contraceptive methods

Why is everyone only talking about the effects of a pill? Are effects of other hormonal contraceptives different than those of a pill? How do they influence health and hormonal function in the body?

Birth control pill vs other contraceptive methods

Why is everyone only talking about the effects of a pill? Are effects of other hormonal contraceptives different than those of a pill? How do they influence health and hormonal function in the body?

Sleep Patterns

I starter taking your bundle of supplements and have noticed immediate benefit, but also have been waking up in middle of night and surprisingly around same time. Is this something that will pass with time? Do I need to take pills maybe earlier in the night?