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Stroke - Understanding and prevention

Hello, I am curious about understanding strokes. What are the different kinds, how to identify stroke symptoms, the genetic component to stroke, and prevention or reduction of stroke risk factors, lastly treatment for stroke. Background: my father in law suffered a massive stroke and couldn't receive the reversing medication in time. He declined and suffered for ten years and I'm fairly confident stroke runs in his family. Being married to his son, I have a vested interest in keeping him healthy and around for a long time. We both are endurance athletes and relatively fit. Also, if he got the genetic test that shows he may be more susceptible to stroke, what difference would that even make? I'm opening a can of worms here, so no worries if you don't address this last question. Thank you!

Tongkat Ali Toxicity

Dr. Huberman, I'm curious if there are any known deleterious long-term effects of consuming Tongkat Ali at either 200mg or 400mg doses daily? Are there specific liver enzymes or other tests/panels that consumers of Tongkat Ali should be aware of as part of a long-term health monitoring cycle? Thank you!

Mushroom supplements - Cordyceps / Lion’s Mane / Reishi

What do you think about using Cordyceps (sinesis or militaris?), Lion’s Mane or Reishi for supplementation? What do the studies show? Would you recommend any manufacturers, given that some use fruiting bodies and others extracts?

Fixing low HDL / high LDL: Behaviours, exercises, sleep patterns and supplementation.

I am genetically predisposed to having low HDL and high LDL, with a family history of heart disease. What would you recommend from a sleep, exercise, diet and supplementation perspective? I already consume. 2g of fish oil a day and matcha green tea.

The saturated fat debate

Please tease out fact from fiction in the saturated fat/LDL debate. Some sources say your LDL should be 50-70 mg/dL and that saturated fat is causes increased LDL which in turn causes atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Other sources suggest that saturated fat is not the concern it was once thought to be, and that LDL levels in the hundreds are ok because it doesn’t cause atherosclerosis anyway. Help!