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Contrast Temperature Therapy

We've heard a lot about the benefits of cold and hot therapy in isolation. What are your thoughts on cold-hot contrast therapy, which is very popular in sports? The typical protocol is a 1:1 ratio for 10-15 minutes. Thoughts? Would we be better off doing one or the other? If you were to do contrast, should you end on hot or cold? Or does it matter? Thank you!!

Less known effects of quitting psychiatric medication

Hello. I will soon be 24 and I have recently ceased taking an anti-psychotic (risperidone) with my psychiatrist's help after more than 6 years of treatment. I have noticed big increases in the function of my senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, even interoception and pretty much all other ones), and also things I never noticed before (echoes, reflections on cars, visual parallaxe across landscapes, etc). I never knew that these medications could have these effects on the brain and body and didn't know I was entirely missing those stimuli (for instance my smell was 98% gone for years, and it's back now, but I would have never guessed it has to do with the medication). What neuroplasticity might be triggered, enabled or removed when stopping these medications ? And in my case, would it be different for someone younger than 25/26 years old when background neuroplasticity is usually said to decrease significantly. Is there reliable and interesting research on the function of the senses when taking these medications, and other less talked about side effects (besides mood, motivation, hunger, energy and the like) ? Thank you very much for your time and effort Andrew, they have helped me change my life for the better, and many other's as well as I'm sure you know.

Difficulty achieving arousal

Hi, I've been addicted to PMO for a few years and recently gave it up (3 weeks clean); however, I met a nice girl I'm trying to be with and to my dismay as we were about to engage in sex, I couldn't get hard. I've read a lot and listened to your podcast about resetting my dopamine and neural network but curious to any specific protocols you would give and how long you think recovery might be.

Zone 2

Is exercising for 45 minutes in zone 2 the best way to lose weight?

Value of massage and other body work

Can you talk about whether there are neurological benefits from different types of body work, including massage, Rolfing, craniosacral, myofacial, etc.? Thank you.