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Neural mechanism and potential treatment/mitigation/coping strategies for Chronic Tinnitus

I suffer from chronic Tinnitus in my left ear. I know of other people who suffer from this disorder. According to my ENT doctor, there is no cure since this is a disorder of consciousness. This condition of high pitch continuous ringing/buzzing in my left ear has been with me for 10+ years. Apparently this is a phantom sound that my brain generates. This condition can cause depression, productivity loss and mood disruptions. I do different forms of meditation as a coping strategy. It is quite painful to live with this order. Some days are worse than others. Would love to hear the neural mechanisms and research behind Tinnitus. It would be awesome if you could do one of your solo episodes on this topic and also find a researcher focused on Tinnitus hearing disorder and do a guest episode on this topic as well.

Fitness protocol: supporting tools

Does Andrew use any tools like a workout log (written or software) or any other tools like that to support the fitness protocol? I am creating a written plan but it would cool to have software to support the protocol.


For years I have used an internal law of non-negotiable Items for exercise and study. However I feel that I fumbled upon the idea. I now have heard no negotiation from both you and David Goggins while speaking. I there more to the idea of making this internal law of no negotiation stronger, or teaching it.

What is the best morning routine and work organization for a high-schooler?

What would you recommend to a teenager in terms of best morning routine and work organization? I'm especially curious about ways of achieving long periods of productive learning w i t h o u t a usage of ultradian cycles. As far as I know, they occur when I am at school (9.30 - 11.00 AM and 2.00 - 3.30 PM) and that means I am not able to use them properly. I'm also interested in growth hormone and generally the topic of growth - I'm still in the period of puberty, so I want to use it as well as I can. I watched your episode on that theme and found it really helpful, but I wonder you can say a little bit more about endurance training and its impact. I prefer it to weight-lifting. If you were to throw some kind of your personal advice or add something in the field of romantic relatshionships, I would't mind it :) You do a great job, Dr Huberman!


Long term effects of adderall from prescribed daily use - XR and IR each day. How to not become dependent on it for energy / basic focus. And thoughts on neurotransmitter levels after going off of it.