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with Huberman Lab Premium

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masturbation - yes or no?

In this podcast (~5:50), dr. huberman says "it's the big peaks in dopamine that are not associate with any prior effort or organization of self that are particularly dangerous for the human being." Based on that, masturbation (even without porn) would be dangerous. But when I google "is masturbation healthy" I get a lot of sources talking about the benefits - reduced stress, improved sleep, etc... So what's the right approach to take regarding masturbation? (assume it's without any porn).

The God gene

Is there a genetic basis for mysticism, religion and spirituality? Can you talk abiut the God gene?

Biggest triggers of cancer

I work as a fire fighter i Sweden. this year the World Health Organization determined that occupational exposure as a firefighter is carcinogenic. Cancer is one of my biggest fears in life. I hear about "this and that being carcinogenic", but what are the big, most crucial triggers for cancer?

Protein Intake

I listen to both The Drive podcast by Dr Peter Attia and Lifespan by Prof David Sinclair. And I found they offer what seem to me contradiction with regard to protein intake for longevity. Prof Sinclair suggests a lower protein/vegetarian diet in combination with TRF to lower mTOR while Dr Attia suggests a higher protein diet (2g/kg of lean mass) and said in one of the AMA that it is impossible to utilize all 150g of protein in one sitting for muscle protein synthesis. Can you provide your view on this area? Thank you very much

Combine cardio training & sauna

What’s the best/recommended protocol to combine cardio training and sauna on the same day when you can not do separately eg. different days?