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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Optimal Ejaculation frequency for men

How often should men ejaculate for optimal energy and motivation levels. Are challenges like No Nut November a good idea?

Rewiring neural circuitry protocol

I understand the importance of sleep, exercise, and nutrition in helping my brain rewire its pleasure pathways but I am wondering if there is a specific protocol (along the lines of your health and fitness protocols) that would be the most efficient method for rewiring its circuitry? Specifically, I am in the process of disrupting old dopamine pathways and laying the groundwork for new pleasure/reward pathways. I'm curious if there is a way to synthesize succinctly the vast amount of information on your podcasts (and from the experts featured) into an actionable "brain reset" protocol. One last aspect to this question--would this protocol change depending on age (ie., what level of plasticity can be achieved post-40 yo).? Thank you for considering this and thank you for all that you do to bring science to interested laypeople!

Optimum Eye Health Protocol for Aging

I'm staring at 50 and noticing my vision (close and far) deteriorating. What are the best eye exercises, supplements, food, protection practices (sun, screen), etc. for the aging eye? If possible, I'd love to hear information about pingueculas and pterygiums (yup, had to search how to spell both), as well. Thank you for your time, advice, and generous sharing philosophy!

Seasons, Day Length, & Ultradian Rhythms

Thank you for sharing everything that you do. Does the 90-minute duration of ultradian cycles fluctuate with seasons? For instance, when days are about 10 hours long in late fall/early winter, does each cycle shorten to ~75 minutes or stay at ~90 minutes? Does the mid-afternoon peak start earlier on 10-hour days (~2.5 hrs after midday, midpoint between midday & sunset), or would it stay about 3 hours after midday (what would be mid-afternoon in a 12-hour day)? Again, thank you.

Does life naturally look for dopamine ‘loops?’

If I did something exciting yesterday at a time I never usually do, (say 3pm), is there now a ‘dopamine circuit’ expecting that level of dopamine release again, come 3pm the next day? Would your understanding of the brain and perhaps neuroplasticity suggest to you that the brain is seeking to re-create a ‘novel’ activity they did yesterday, perhaps in a novel way?