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CFS/ME and Chronic Brain inflammation

Why is it so hard to treat CFS/ME especially even 2 years after Covid Pandemic which resulted as 50-60% of the total Long Covid cases? Millions afftected in the world. What's the latest research on that? Is it any close?


What is your insight into epilepsy? I have five siblings who suffer from epilepsy (four experience Tonic-Clonic, and one experiences absence seizures). I’d love to hear your insight into epilepsy and what practices may help in reducing and preventing seizures. Most have responded well to medication, except my sister who has been experiencing an increase in grand mal seizures. Interestingly she had no seizure activity while she was pregnant, and has had an increase as she nears menopause. I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’ve greatly enjoyed what you have to teach. Thank you!

Foods, nutrients or supplements before bed for best sleep.

Sleep is our most important state for recovery and learning. Is there anything you're aware of that I can consume before bed to increase function in sleep? Is vasodilation good or bad? And I also wonder specificly about ketone esters.

Recommending a doctor focusing on optimizing lifespan and productivity

Could you please recommend a doctor, or give advice on how to approach the search, who would be able to help with optimizing diet, exercise, supplements, etc. with a goal of increasing lifespan and productivity?

Osteoporosis - how to reverse

Hi I’m a 63 year old fairly fit and otherwise healthy person. Shocked to get an osteoporosis diagnosis. I have never taken HRT and perhaps should have. Is it too late to start and what can I do to reverse osteoporosis? I am active and use resistance training fairly regularly and have done for most of my life. Do I eat more protein?? What can I do?