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Spinach and oxalates

I’ve included 2 cups of fresh organic spinach in my morning smoothie (along with protein powder, some form of fat and fruit) for over 10 years. This is a filling and delicious breakfast that I look forward to every day. I recently heard Dave Asprey on a podcast claim that you should never consume raw spinach or kale because of the oxalates. Is this true? Please say no, but if so, what vegetable could I include instead? I try to include a lot of vegetables in my diet. Thank you!!

about Atomoxetine treatment for adhd.

Hello! I've listened multiple times to the adhd episode, and couldn't help but notice that, as a treatment, atomoxetine is not mentioned. I know that atomoxetine (Strattera) is considered second line treatment in the US when stimulants don't work or could create potential harmful effects, however was wondering why it is not even mentioned in your podcast and if there's a reason for that. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and in Italy, by law, the only medication that the state allows and supports for adults with adhd is atomoxetine (Strattera) unless there has been an history with stimulants during childhood...the law here is pretty weird, up until a few years ago you basically didn't have adhd anymore as soon as you turned 18 (you literally were healed by the calendar), luckily enough things have changed and adults can undergo a treatment plan with Strattera, unless they already used methylphenidate during childhood because they were diagnosed before turning 18, in which case they can receive it, otherwise methylphenidate must be sold off label and having it prescribed regularly is tedious. I've read many things about atomoxetine, but the information is really sparse (and scary if you refer to reddit), I was curious to know if there's a reason you didn't mention it in your podcast and if there's any information you can provide on atomoxetine's effectiveness in treating adhd as well as whatever interesting thing you think someone should know about the molecule.

Does consistent cannabis consumption affect my workout?

You mentioned in the Cannabis episode that there's clear evidence that confirms that extended cannabis use change how one talks, because it affects how your brain can activate the muscles involved in speech production. Is there any evidence that these changes also happen in other areas? For example, would consistent cannabis consumption make my deadlift worse over time? To clarify, I don't mean consumption before/during the workout itself, just general consumption of > 2 times/week.

Disgust to lose weight

Is there any research on using disgust to lose weight? I have been using it lately to stop unhealthy cravings. It is extremely effective and immediate. However, I can't find anything on it online.


How can men increase DHT? Lifestyle, supplementation, etc.