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Age-related macular degeneration prevention

Is there anything one can do do prevent age-related macular degeneration? I had a genetic test done and it doesn't look good... (two copies of a variant detected in the CFH gene and one copy of a variant detected in the ARMS2 gene). Thank you so much for the work that you do! It really helps :)


What's the science behind a headache? and what to do to avoid taking medication for it or to make it go away faster?

Biological purpose of emotions

What is the biological purpose of sadness, disgust, shame, shyness, guilt?

Long Covid & ME/CF

Countless young women are bed bound with Long Covid or ME/CFS, my 29 year old daughter being one of them. In this article there is a discussion around the controversy of the source of these syndromes and potential treatments. Would you please weigh in on the conversation and help these suffering women?. Would training the reptilian part of the brain help them? Should they just sit tight and wait for a discovery? Deeply appreciate an answer!

Heart and brain coherence

Are you aware of any research or specific protocols that would focus your attention on your heart and if doing so would cause an increase in mood and elevated emotions. The heart supposedly has more neurons than the brain so I find this to be interesting in how the heart and brain interact. This could also go for the additional “chakras” of the body.