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Effects of Anesthesia in elderly patients

Hello Dr. Huberman and Team, I am sure you are inundated with questions, however I do hope this reaches you and you will consider addressing this issue. In short, my father of 83, who was highly cognitively alert, still managing his big business, despite some small normal sign of mental aging such as slight slowness of thinking and random forgetfulness, he was cognitively switched on, until a 2 hour operation 1 week ago - he went under local anesthesia (but still during this he slept) - after which he has a huge massive mental / cognitive decline - the worst initially was immediately after the operation - he became non-communicative, non-understanding, not making eye contact. He has slowly improved, but is still confused, vague, forgetful, more communicative but lost at times. A complete different cognitive person prior to the surgery. An enormous mental cognitive change. I understand you can't address an individual case. I understand anesthesia can effect the brain for weeks or longer in elderly patients - I understand that each patient, is case by case - but any general discussion addressing this from you would be so helpful and so greatly appreciated in this time of confusion for all of our family. As a note of appreciation and respect for your shared knowledge - I am so happy I discovered your podcasts and YouTube channel about 8 months ago - you have honestly helped me understand so much about myself and others in such a rational, logical and interesting method - and also helped and encouraged to better myself mentally, which has had consequent positive impacts on personal, business and relationships around me. I want to know that your shared knowledge has far wide reaching effects to your audience. So please continue and thank you!

Sexual Performance, Stamina, Enhancement

You previously mentioned planning an episode on topics surrounding sexuality. Let's be honest, we'd all like to know things that are probably the most googled phrases on the planet yet not something anyone wants to ask directly. Can you please help review the scientific data on all things sex? More specifically, things like increased performance and stamina, male enhancement truths and myths, long term attraction, etc... Let's get dirty and suppress the giggles as we discuss our most primal function and modern crutch... gettin' it on and gettin' it on correctly, in the name of science.

What is our subconscious and how can we leverage it?

Cardio zones and ventilatory threshold

Can we use ventilatory threshold (VT1 and VT2) values to determine heart rate zones 1-5 and if yes, how ?


How should we approach training/train when our muscles are tight, especially the leg muscles?