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Balance movement

how to improve balance and mobility after a heart stop that lasted for 30 min. 12 years ago? thank you best regards Ivar Ö.

L Tyrosine Supplementation

You mentioned on one of your podcast about dopamine that you take L Tyrosine occasionally to improve focus and drive. Understating that random dopamine release is the best for increasing motivation. Is it best to randomly take L Tyrosine before challenging workouts or mental work? What dosage and timing do you recommend? Thanks

Eye medication for children.

Are "atropine" drops used over a period of time suitable for an eight year old boy and, if so, in what cases. Thank you!

Fast-Mimicking Protocol

What is your opinion on Valter Longo’s fast-mimicking diet? Do you think it provides more benefits than intermittent fasting?

Sleep Disorders

I would love to hear more about sleep disorders and the current science behind them and their treatment. Specifically, where is our energy best focused when it comes to improving sleep disorders and how can we alter our brain chemistry when dealing with idiopathic hypersomnia and/or narcolepsy?