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Eye Health and Glasses/Contacts

My question is about a lot of your eye health and training protocols. Is there a difference in this training or outcome when wearing your prescribed glasses/contacts and not wearing them? For instance, can you get benefits if you do them not wearing glasses, even if your vision is blurry when doing something like the object tracking or taking an object from close vision to further away. On the other side, if my goal is to improve my vision (at least a little), will wearing glasses when doing these impede that goal because it's making my vision seem better than it is? Thank you.

Anastrozole sleep disruption

What protocols/mediators may assist in getting better sleep for disruption secondary to Anastrazole (prescribed for cancer abatement)?

timing of meditation

I would like to know about your own meditation schedule. as i know "do not meditation with4 hours before go to bed. so, what time should we schedule us meditation? How about after get up?

Contact lenses to stop myopia

I've heard myopia is being considered as a pandemic and that there are new treatment with contact lenses to stop myopia getting worse. Is there any science behind this?

Does cold shower decreases motivation to do anything after that?

If doing dopaminergic activity before the wanted activity demotivates me to perform that activity does that mean that cold shower gets me excited but my motivation to do something hard will be decreased? Same problem with coffee. My assumption is that prolonged raise of dopamine prevents doing something hard since that activity won’t trigger as much dopamine to allow significant difference between pick and raised baseline. Wouldn’t it be better to avoid any dopaminergic activity before you do the most important or hard thing in your day?