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Cardiovascular consequences of artificial sweeteners consumption

In the lastest video about nutrition, you didn't talk about a recent study in which it was found that chronic consumption of artificial sweeteners can increase the risk coronary disease and stroke. Title of the study : "Artificial sweeteners and risk of cardiovascular diseases: results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort" What do you think about their conclusion ? (Exemple of one of the findings : Acesulfame K : 40% increased risk of coronary heart disease) Which seems pretty negative

Limited workout to 1 hour

You said you try not to workout for more than 1 hour to avoid a cortisol surge which is detrimental for good sleep. How does this match with medium intensity workout and with 2 workout sessions of 1 hour in a day? Which of these scenarios would be better for a good night's sleep? Would cortisol affect for a night's sleep even when the hard workout is early in the morning?

The effects of allergies and antihistamines on brain performance (learning and focusing)

I have had an allergy (dust, pollen, carpet dust, etc.) since childhood, and I use antihistamines regularly. My question is, what is the effect of using antihistamines or allergy drugs on brain performance, such as learning, focusing etc.? Also, should I take antihistamines or not when I need to improve my brain performance in a certain period?

post quick answers to AMA questions

With so many great questions being asked here it will be impossible for you to answer most of them on the podcast. It would be great if you could give quick answers or post an information link here on this site to get more of them addressed. Thanks for all you do!

TCM, acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, shiatsu

Could you do a deep dive on all things traditional Chinese medicine? There's different types of acupuncture, one of which you've discussed a few times (electro acupuncture) but what about other types of acupuncture? Is there science on acupressure mats and shiatsu (uses acupressure points)? Cupping? What about tinctures such as reishi, cordyceps and astragalus, do these work?