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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Wired earphones

In a recent AMA you said you used wired earphones, can you elaborate as to why? Data to suggested wireless may be harmful? Thanks and as a resident surgeon, love your content!

Overtraining metrics?

How do i determine whether my workout is too hard? For instance, if I am still not walking 100% normally 4 days after leg day, did I overdue it?

Transverse Myelitis - possible beneficial supplements

Explosive, sudden, totally random leisons on the spine resulting in paralysis. 1/3 will make a really good recovery, 1/3 can make little or no improvement. My beautiful 16yo daughter was struck down by this insane disease, and 1 year later looks to be in the bottom 1/3... any advice regarding supplementation for improving neuronal repair would be incredible.

Meditation styles

In the episode you did on meditation, you covered interoceptive and exteroceptive meditation. Where in interoceptive meditation, one focuses on something within the body, and the third eye center and breath was mentioned in that episode. I like to get your opinion where meditation such as transcendental and visualization type meditation fall into the interoceptive vs exteroceptive spectrum, and in the time dimension spectrum which you also discussed.

Sugar cravings

You’ve mentioned that you’ve all but completely lost the taste for sugar- any tips for those of us raiding the cookie jar on a nightly basis? I eat healthy all day long, but the evening comes and torpedos my willpower. Thanks Dr. Huberman!