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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Can you discuss how journaling can impact us from a neurological level and how to apply it for goals, habits, growth. Frequency of journaling. Time of day/ week. Hand writing vs typing in a computer.

collagen supplementation for joints

Hi! I read there are some benefits on ingesting collagen in form of supplement or jelly 30 mins before you do some exercise. This way, your body moves the peptides to the joints involved in the exercise and they are improved. I wanted to ask if the same could happen ingesting the collagen after exercising.

Are Work Bouts Meditation?

Do you think that the deep focus you achieve in your 90 minute work bouts are a meditative state? Could this be as a result not only of practicing your focus during your work bouts but also from the focus you’ve gaining from meditating for a long time?

Concussions, Trauma and ADHD in contact sport athletes

How do concussions both affect the information in the adhd podcast, but also many other directly linked episodes: Sleep, trauma, obviously dopamine production, focus, et al. As an athlete that is adding concussions (20+ from Hockey and Football over a 15 year career) to the list of factors, how should we approach the material with this specific jambalaya of factors. I have to say it is as if the podcasts so far are directly related, can we do a podcast on concussions and how they affect all of these different scenarios? Love your work, you have literally saved my life

Social emotional learning and brain changes = greater brain development and success later on?

Hi! I know it is a politically charged topic right now, but I recently read an article on how social emotional learning in adolescence impacts different areas of the brain, and how those impacts result in greater success and brain development later on. Specifically, this paragraph from a Newsweek article that I’ll link: When Immordino-Yang studied these students again several years later, she realized how important social and emotional learning can be to schooling. When she rescanned their brains after a hiatus of several years, she found that the more a particular individual's brain had toggled back and forth between the two networks in the original experiment, the more they did so years later while daydreaming in the scanners, suggesting the early tendency had led to greater brain development in subsequent years. More important, this skill was predictive of how the individual scored on a wide array of metrics that touched on self-esteem, relationships, work, school and how happy they were as young adults. What this means, Immordino-Yang thinks, is that this ability to toggle between the two brain networks is indicative of a person's ability to find meaning in the world around them. I would really like to know more science surrounding this given that much of what we hear about it right now is agenda-driven, and I trust you will cut through the noise to provide science-based evidence. Thank you for this and also thank you so much for your show! My husband and I have been devoted listeners for a while now and it’s our absolute favorite podcast out there.