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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Advice tailored for endurance athletes

Can we get an episode specific to endurance athletes? Those of us that are getting 15, 20, or more hours of structured and intense training (on the bike for me) have different interests and needs than more sedentary people. Topics like overreaching/overtraining, recovering, adapting, performance, how to fuel training, impact on hormones, supplements, sleep, etc would be super helpful. While many of the previous podcasts are still relevant, there are some topics that just don't apply to somebody that is training heavy and trying to optimize race performance, even if it means sacrificing some health/wellness. Thanks!i

HRT/Protein for women

Can you do an episode on hormone replacement therapy in post-menopausal women? Benefits, risks, and flawed studies. Also, protein requirements for menopausal or postmenopausal women, should they be increased? Can the loss of muscle be mitigated with increased protein and resistance training?

Building good habits alongside a partner who challenges them

I have been trying to incorporate a lot of the advice from your podcast into my daily routine but have a partner who thinks I am overly OCD about these protocols and isn't bought in. How do you manage your own ambitions, goals, and routines around others who aren't as attune to the impact of their lifestyle choices?

Adolescent cannabis use reversal

In response to cannabis episode: From heavy marijuana use in teenage years, my brain has never felt the same and I've been struggling with my mental health ever since. I knew it deep down but there was nothing to validate it scientifically so thank you. I've never wanted to touch cannabis again for the longest time, so there's no issue of continued use for me, but more so continuing to try reversing out of any of that damage, at this point I'm 30. Is there value with regard to CBD isolate in this reversal process? I know you highlighted the basics like exercise /sleep/ nutrition, but have always been curious about "anti-thc" properties of CBD in this context. Or should I assume it's harmful as well? Can't wait for the episode you mentioned, specifically about reversal of these effects.

Blood. Benefits or detriments of donating and a general discussion on blood would be insightful.

Blood. Benefits or detriments of donating and a general discussion on blood would be insightful. please consider discussing blood as a topic and specifically considerations in connection with donating blood And the benefits or detriments related to that.