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Could yerba mate coupled with alcohol and smoking have negative side effects?

Hello!, I was thinking about using Yerba mate as my primary source of caffeine, but I read that alcohol consumption and smoking coupled with Yerba mate can have have negative side effects. I am sorry if you have already covered this topic and I missed it, but I have been really confused about this subject by reading articles online. What is your opinion on this ? I am a college student so cutting off alcohol etc. is really difficult.

Transfixing sounds other than binaural drum beats specifically random short wave numbers reading

You mention in today’s podcast concerning the science of happiness that you listen to binaural drum beats for relaxation and contentment. Have you ever listened to random shortwave radio continuous transmission of numbers? Obviously a lot of Cold War and other context, but the sound and cadence is transfixing.

solutions for correcting taste/smell sense loss

I am 80-year old man taking medications to defeat stage4 pancreatic cancer. The medications have changed my sense of taste to where most foods have no taste at all. Are there some actions I can take to restore my brain's ability to process taste correctly. Thank you!

Borderline Personality Disorder

Very helpful information regarding Bi Polar and BPD. You mention that BPD will be covered in a different Episode, which one? Specifically the distinction you make on "splitting" was spot on with what I experience with a loved one. How to get them to pursue treatment is another question I have.

Ice plunge bath shifting the menstrual cycle

I have noticed that when my female friends and I do a cold plunge bath (ice bath), our menstrual cycle is affected. Is there perhaps a better time to do an ice bath as a woman so that our menstrual cycle isn't affected - such as perhaps around ovulation?