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Sexual urges lack

What could cause lack of sexuality in some people or some families as a whole? Does there have to be a reason or is that normal?

What are the best supplements to increase your libido?

What are the best supplements to increase your libido? Can useful supplements such as L-Theanine decrease it by depressing the nervous system?

Wim Hof breathing and doubling push-ups

I’d like to know what’s the science behind the fact that Win Hof breathing technique, as well as Tummo breathing I suppose, can double the amount of repetitions one can do on one exercise. I’ve tried it out with push-ups and pull-ups. I believe it might be related to the amount of CO2 in blood, it must be greater than usual and more oxygen can be delivered to the muscles involved, but I’m not sure. Can you clarify this, please?

Cold exposure - Wim Hof method

I have listened to episode #66, “Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance”, but I don’t remember any mention to Wim Hof method. I would like to know what science says about it. Thanks.

Sleeping Naked

In order to best improve sleep quality and body temperature while sleeping, should we be sleeping naked? What do you personally wear when going to sleep and why?