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Creativity and The Brain

I teach Creative Wellness Workshops….the benefits of art-making in all forms (painting, writing, dance, music, etc). Would love to have additional information (scientific) that clarifies my belief that art calms the mind and is a form of meditation/refuge.

MDMA deep dive

I thoroughly enjoyed your deep dives into alcohol and cannabis, and I have also felt you have provided a lot of information on cocaine through various episodes. Personally, those episodes have had a profound impact on me & my lifestyle habits and I've felt the need to share them with many of my friends who regularly use all of those substances in the hopes that they would be impacted in the same way I was. I would love for you to do a deep dive into MDMA & its effects on the brain and overall health because, aside from cocaine, this seems to be the most widely used recreational drug and people love to claim how 'safe' pure MDMA is. I think we need the Huberman perspective here! Thank you!

Cold immersion questions: air vs water, sauna, etc.

In similar vein to some fellow questions: 1) if you utilize a sauna in 20-30 F degree temperatures, is there any effect to going from the sauna directly to the cold air outside?(vs cold water immersion?) 2) when doing cold water immersion, does it make a difference what the air/ambient temperature is vs the water itself? For example, when utilizing a pool for cold water while the ambient temperatures can range from 20's-50's depending on time of day or season. 3) you have highlighted immersion in water cold enough "you want to get out but can safely stay in." I am not cold adapted and find water in 60's extremely cold! Does this suffice? Thank you.

Artificial Sweetener & Insulin levels in episode 42

In the 1:18:47 timestamp, you have mentioned and based on what Dalenberg and colleagues have found, that consumimg diet soda without food that increases blood sugar, showed a significant increase in insulin release. And you have mentioned that it is "terrible" because increase release of insulin so called insulin sensitivity is the basis of type 2 diabetes. My question is, isn't the insulin resistance the basis of type 2 diabetes? Thank you. Oliver

Morning Light Viewing

Could you discuss SAD lamps in more detail? Specifically I have one from AlaskaNorthernLights that puts out 10,000 lux at 24 inches that I sit in front of for 15-30 minutes every morning before the sun comes up. I can't get outside due to professional obligations in the morning.