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Integrating the physics and benefits of swimming as a part of cross training

Integrating the physics and benefits of swimming as a part of cross training Looking back on your conversation with Andy Galpin on exercise physics and benefits, how does 1 mile freestyle swim layer in with hypertrophy and stretching in relation to the body parts used in freestyle swimming motion.

Phenibut HCL

Firstly, thank you dearly for your podcast. Onto my question, I have been taking phenibut hcl orally, on and off for close to 3 years. I was taking it chronically for close to a year, sometimes dosing 2-3 times a day. It all but eliminates my anxiety. When I decided it was time to stop during my chronic use I consulted Reddit forums. I learned that it is a GABA antagonist and if phenibut is not tapered slowly and properly it can lead to seizures. Could you offer any insight as to what phenibut may be doing to the brain and how dangerous of a substance it could actually be? Thank you so very much Andrew.

Just saying thanks!

Thank you so much for the in-depth, nuanced analysis you have provided over the last couple of years! Your lectures are endlessly thought-provoking and I’m sure everyone here would agree. Looking forward to seeing the podcast evolve, and to learning even more about neurobiology every week.

Conusming cannabis/THC through edibles, pills, topicals

In the cannabis (marijuana) episode, you spent a few brief minutes discussing the extremely negative effects of consuming cannabis via smoking & vaping. I'm curious if ingesting cannabis/THC through edibles, pills, or topicals have as concerning of effects. I would consider myself a chronic cannabis user by use of edibles. I find this question important as I know many "chronic users" are looking for the "healthiest" way to consume cannabis/THC. Additionally, if there ARE biological concerns with consumption via edibles, pills, or topicals, then perhaps many chronic users will look to greatly reduce cannabis/THC consumption entirely as their biological health is much more important than the benefits received through consumption of cannabis/THC.

Menopause treatment

I want to Know more on how to regulate hormones through this period. The podcast with Dr. Attia left many questions about it and were to go in order to get the right treatment