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Weight lifting and peing

Hello, I know this question will probably sound stupid, but i have noticed that in periods when i lift weigths i experience difficulty peing. Could this be psycological or there is such condition? When i stay of resistance training i don't experience the same effect.

Open sea water swimming

What is your opinion in open sea water swimming? Is it an effective form of exersise and does it boost testosterone like weight lifting?

Protocols for Illness Recovery

Are there protocols (ex. Tummo breathing) that will shorten the duration of an illness like a "cold"? I have had lingering cold symptoms for weeks (tested negative for COVID multiple times). Also, I cannot remember every having a cold this long. This is the first one I've had since before the COVID pandemic (~3 yrs). While I know you cannot comment on my personal situation, is it reasonable to assume the duration of my present cold is related to the length of time since my last cold.

Why yawning when learning.

when I have no Motivation for learning, I am wake/focused but I yawning all the time while learning.

general anesthesia

How does general anesthesia work? What mechanisms and brain regions are involved? (Neurotransmitters and neuromodulaters, GABA, receptors, brain regions involved, ascending reticular activating system) On this I would also love to hear a whole episode!