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Morning Training

Due to my work schedule, I would like to train in the morning. My training is strength based primarily squats, bench, deadlift and presses. But for me in the morning like 5 am my body doesn't feel ready to lift heavy (maybe it is just mental). I feel the best to train after a hard days work at the farm when my body is warm and I am awake. What is the optimal way to feel ready to lift heavy in the morning?

Classical Music

Does classical music (or any music) have affects on the brain?

Pre-crastination. The mild compulsion to get everything done before its deadline.

Any thoughts about the mild compulsion to always get every task successfully completed in advance of deadlines. This mindset has its pros and cons, I have realized from living with it since childhood. Any thoughts on how to calm it down a bit? Thank you!

influential enzymes and their benefits/warnings

Enzyme pathways are less talked about yet seemingly emerging in importance for overall health and immune system function. Nrf2 is one such pathway and is indicated as an enzyme that unlocks (not likely the right scientific term) a number of beneficial genes. Mtor is another pathway that is indicated as influential (and not always positively) in cancer and other clinical maladies. Please bring us up to date on the current science in these areas, the nutritional benefits or even the warnings for these pathways and discuss any supplements of value in these or other catalytic pathways.

the perfect bed setup

With all the devices (eight sleep, grounding, weighted blankets, essentia mattress, feet elevated, head elevated, EMS reducing / eliminating devices, noise generator) you can purchase nowadays, how would the perfect bed setup (not bedroom) look like?