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Most important Health Products/Supplements for a Student with a Fixed Income

Greetings Professor Huberman, I love your podcast and the information you provide. I'm a 38-year-old undergrad, planning on graduate school for Psychology, I'm very interested in optimizing my brain and body health. I have been listening for a long time and I often hear you discuss certain products/supplements. Which one or two would you prioritize if forced to choose? I currently have limited financial resources, so I need to focus on what will be most beneficial for me overall. Thanks very much. you've been a great mentor/inspiration for me.

More studies on cold water and dopamine

I’ve heard multiple mentions of the study “Human physiological responses to immersion into water of different temperatures” in your podcasts when talking about cold water exposure and dopamine. I was wondering if you had any more studies studying this specific relationship given that the study is from 20 years ago and had a small sample size.

Story telling

Can you explain how the brain sees life as a story. I’ve heard this a lot from Jordan Peterson. How can we change our story for the better? How can we change past stories to move on from them? How do we keep adding on to our story and developing it?

Sleeping issues - Dreams

Are vivid dreams a type of insomnia? I have vivid dreams every night, mostly; I can clearly remember what I dreamt about when a woke up but then the memories fade away through the day. It feels like I am awake when dreaming. Thank you very much Andrew.

Feeling very thirsty at night.

What could cause intense thirst when sleeping? I drinks lots of water throughout the day but at night time I wake up a few times throughout the night feeling very thirsty and with dry throat. Thank you, Andrew :)