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Get max. productivity as a digital deep worker

What would think, would be the best to get max. productivity, for a person that: works mainly on the laptop/computer on creative topics or video calls

Best work set up for focus and creativity

What would you say, would be the best set up to: do creative work do focused work mainly at a computer or on paper

Does Caffeine Prematurely Age the Brain?

Is there any truth to claims that caffeine constricts blood flow to the brain and that constricting blood flow to any organ, prematurely ages the organ?

A podcast about active imagination

Fitting to the episode about meditation one about active imagination in the vein of Carl Gustav Jung would be interesting.

dealing with bad night's sleep

In case of bad night's sleep, should I get up at my usual waking time anyway or rather try to get some extra time in bed that morning if I can?