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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Marijuana vs Alcohol

First, thank you so much for pod - it’s so helpful! As 40 yr old who has cut out almost all alcohol and marijuana from life (largely based on your pods and other research) but who did a good amount of partying with those substances from 15-33. I’m very eager for your episode on ways to reverse the damage. But then also would like to hear what is better: 2 drinks 1x a month or one THC gummy sufficient for moderate high 1x a month. OR either of the above compare to the other only 1x a quarter (eg is it ok to take THC 1x a month but only drink 1x a quarter because recovery from alcohol takes 2-3 months)? While the above comparative is interesting, essentially, I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to have the tipsy/high feeling without doing long term or irreversible damage? Thank you!

music / (binaural) sounds during sleep ?

Anxiety, overthinking and rumination have damaged my sleep. I discovered that listening to sounds/music when going to sleep helps to stop thinking. But what if this continues all night. Problem : if music stops I told to wake up. So is sound / music bad for sleep quality ?


Hello professor, I would like to know when you will have a podcast with the theme of "education". We, in the neuroscientific area, know that the education and upbringing we receive, from conception on, tremendously influences our lives. It would be amazing to bring this topic to Huberman's podcast, don't you think? By the way, I really liked the episode with Dr. Conti, where he mentioned the important role of childhood in our formation and the marks that come from it. It's a pleasure to be part of this group! Love, Dana

Timing of taking supplements

I am doing a 7-8 hour eating window and have my first meal between noon-1pm. I usually stretch each morning and take my supplements during the stretch. Will supplements break a fast? Or is there an optimum time of day to take them such as within my eating window? I take: Fish oils, CoQ10, lutien,vit C, MSM, gaba, magnesium,CLA, mushrooms, B-Vita complex, please advise

Inositol for PCOS, Insulin Resistance and Depression

What's the mechanism behind Inositol lowering insulin resistance and helping with hormone balancing / PCOS? For context: - There seems to be a lot of anecdotal evidence (many tiktok videos -hopefully not paid-, facebook groups, reddit threads) of women claiming Inositol helped them with fertility, lowering PCOS symptoms, reverting insulin resistance and therefore losing weight. It also seems to help with depression. - The recommended ratio seems to be 40:1 myo and d-chiro inositol - I started taking inositol myself and have noticed positive changes on my mood, energy levels, ability to focus and weight loss.