There is a philosophical ever-green question on beauty, brain and humans, about our feelings and beauty, and if beauty and good vibes are somehow related. In your episode on happines I have the impression you are suggesting that beauty and happiness are connected. Being able to perceive it makes us happy. After all, Keats said it beautifully. What is the scientific answer? Also, what these studies on brain tell us: is beauty objective or subjective? what is your personal definition of beauty and what do you think about all the matter? thank you! in case you plan a journey to Italy, I am happy to help. Silvana Kuhtz
Hi! I would love to learn if there are any protocols that we can teach/use with very small children. Is viewing (indirect) sunlight beneficial for newborns even if their sleep pattern is pure chaos? Is it possible to teach a 3 year old any top down modulation protocol? And do it safely? Another side of this - what are some non-obvious harmful patterns/behaviors that we should avoid?